The National Treasure Society is a consortium of Historians, Geologists, Professional Researchers, Explorers, Mineral Explorers and Prospectors. Our staff is engaged full time in the research and documentation of the more than 7500 KNOWN and lost mines, treasures, buried gold and Spanish and Inca Gold Caches. In fact, did you know there is an estimated OVER SEVEN and a HALF TRILLION DOLLARS in lost gold, buried treasure, cached loot, stolen bullion and ancient artifacts buried and lost to time all across the globe.
It is the National Treasure Society's mission to find and recover the most coveted of these lost treasures. Treasure Hunting is basically searching for lost or hidden riches, such as fabulously rich lost gold mine and especially jewels and gold or silver in the form of coins, bullion, ornaments, candlesticks, utensils, or other objects. Treasure hunters also search for lost or hidden statues, cannons, and other objects that are worth money because of their artistic or historic value. Treasure worth millions of dollars may be as near as your favorite coastline underwater in the remains of sunken ships, your nearest desert or rugged mountains. Other hoards of money, bullion and other valuables are concealed in buildings, in caves, and in the ground where they were hidden for safekeeping by their owners. Other riches lie in archaeological sites such as tombs, buried cities, and abandoned ruins.
Now for some perspective for some of our skeptics listening to this. The story of treasures beneath the waves, buried on land, and at the bottom of lakes is a story of prodigious wealth just lying around for recovery. And we know some of the figures thrown around seem fantastic, but how about some tangible documented facts.
Since the year 1500 until 1950, shipping and Admiralty records show that one eighth, yes one - in -eight of all the TOTAL gold and silver mined for that period has been lost to transportation disasters. Meaning while being shipped it was lost to history through some disaster such as a sinking ship, lost mule train, massacre or Indian raid. That's a lot of lost bullion and that does not even account the value in dollars for the gems, diamonds, emeralds and rubies that are laying in what until the day someone discovers them.
Here is another fact, and we'll use the same years up to just 1950. The total ships lost carrying precious cargo is recorded to be 2,172 ships. Now that is NOT total but TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY SHIPS A YEAR AVERAGE for over 450 years running. That's just shy of ONE MILLION SHIPS LOST!
And if you still need some hard facts, consider these: During the 16th century Portugal and Spain reported over $174,000,000 in gold treasures lost (mostly in the Americas) and in today's gold values, that's right at $5 Billion dollars.
So what is the grand total estimated to be of all the buried, lost and misplaced treasure estimated to be worth? IF we only count those treasures whose ORIGIN and EXISTENCE have been authenticated, the total approximate value is over 7.7 Billion Dollars and that DOES NOT include lost mines and their value, since the value is unknown and that does not include the billions of dollars in hordes of gold and silver coins stashed and then lost during depressed economic times, such as the Great Depression.
All Professional Treasure Hunters and Recovery Experts KNOW that 95% OF SUCCESSFUL TREASURE HUNTING AND RECOVERY IS RESEARCH.
Using old military records, sketches, journals, newspaper stories, employment records, stereographs, mining maps, stagecoach route maps, known Indian encampments, along with aerial reconnaissance, assay office records and historical accounts, we have been able to narrow down the most likely location for many of these lost treasures. In MOST CASES our search has narrowed the area down to an amazing Quarter Section of a Quarter Section of a specific Township-Range and Section. The National Treasure Society, has used these records to formulate a method of mathematical probability, with a high degree of possibility for rediscovering TREMENDOUS WEALTH LOST TO THE AGES.
FOR EXAMPLE: Money and other valuables have been hidden for safekeeping since ancient times. Many hoards still lie untouched in their original hiding places.
Before banks came into wide use in the 20th century, many people kept their savings hidden at home and this just happens to coincide with the use of gold and silver coins. Favorite hiding places were in attics, inside walls, behind loose chimney bricks, under floorboards, and under fencepost. In the western United States are caches hidden by outlaws who robbed banks, stagecoaches, and trains. Some abandoned mining shacks conceal bags of gold nuggets hidden by prospectors, Indian Tribes and even Aztec and Incan Cultures. Literally billion is golden hordes - lost to the ages.
Hidden treasure is seldom found by following the directions to a spot marked by a cross on a faded map. Such treasure maps are usually fake or hopelessly vague. Less romantic but more realistic are maps compiled from treasure reports, mining reports and assay reports, showing general locations where treasure has been reported lost or hidden.
The National Treasure Society cannot possibly pursue every single lost mine or hidden treasure. Our investors and Board of Directors have set a corporate mission to only engage in the active recovery of those treasures and mines that have the ability to generate FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS or more. Did you know that there are NUMEROUS lost mines and hidden treasures that are estimated to be worth $2 BILLION DOLLARS AND GREATER?! These are the projects we will spend our recovery resources on. HOWEVER, we’re not going to let our discoveries on treasures under $500 Million sit idle.
First you should know, the rights to a treasure trove (recovered treasure that has no apparent owner) vary in different countries. In the United States treasure trove is treated in the same way as any other found property, but as an added protective measure The NATIONAL TREASURE SOCIETY places mines and treasure sites under Federal Mining Claims. These claims give us (thus you) full and protected rights to the precious minerals located in the claim area - whether natural or placed there and lost to time. Now, it’s more practical for an individual treasure hunter and prospector to search these claims than a large corporation, and that’s where you come in. IT IS THESE RIGHTS that we want to pass on to YOU.
When you deal with the National Treasure Society, we are working together to form an Independent Relationship, whereby our professional research and expertise, combined with your independent prospecting and exploration of a proposed site, can lead to valuable discoveries.
You acquire both the claim and our research on any Historic Treasure Mining Claim under a Special Real Estate Purchase Agreement, giving you full right, title and deed to the Claim. These agreements and documents are recorded both the County and State Offices of where the suspected treasure is located. For our part, The National Treasure Society RETAINS a 10% equity and royalty interest in the production of the Claim and whatever you discover. The National Treasure Society strongly believes in the potential for the rediscovery of these treasures would be the result of and based upon our research and historical studies. Therefore, we offer all claims at a very small cost compared to the potential upside for its discovery, yet retain a 10% ROYALTY interest for our expertise, research and exploration. This is a standard fee for Treasure Recovery and Shared Mine revenue Interests for the ORIGINAL CLAIMANTS. In other words, YOU get 90% of the recovery and discovery, and National Treasure Society gets 10%. Additionally, National Treasure Society can help you develop the mine once the final discovery is made and will help with the selling of the gold - either in raw or processed bullion form.
IF you're interested in Historic Treasure Mining Claims and recovering what could be potentially millions in lost gold, then The National Treasure Society is the pinpoint source for you. You blaze the trail, work the ground and focus on our combined efforts in paying off and paying off astronomically. We can't station recovery experts at every treasure site, but you and your desire to be part of something big and leave your mark on history is how we do it. Please remember, every Historic Mining Claim site, has valuable minerals on it, and just the regular prospecting of gold can pay off your efforts. The Hidden Treasure or Lost Mine is only a HUGE BONUS. Are you ready to leave your mark on the world?
Let's get started!
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